Monday, 17 August 2009

Harry Lunt - Bitching and Junkfood

On a recent trip down brick lane with the boy, we stumbled across a pop up market, full of vintage furniture and clothes stalls, talented people knocking up clothes on sewing machines and a few delightful jewellery stalls. This skull necklace instantly caught my eye, two very unique clay skulls from Portugal on a delicate chain and a pearl hanging at the clasp, and it even came in its own very cute and very economical match box!

The very talented lady who had made the necklace told me that all the jewellery was available to buy online at bitching and junk food. At home I eagerly checked out the website and found the other necklace I loved from the market (but hadn't had the cash to flash!) a tooth necklace by mafia jewellery. Slightly gruesome but very cool.

The website is contributed to by many fashion forces and there is a fantastic blog and a shop where you can buy vintage 80's and 90's clothes, some of which have been re-worked and customised. But what I loved the most about the website was the 80's styling in the cover shoot. Crop tops, sequins, cut off shorts, cropped leathers, finger-less gloves and a hint of leopard print, its all there and it all looks fabulous, very on trend for A/W 09, ding dong!

All images from apart from the harry lunt skull necklace, my own image.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out... Look out for Harry Lunt, which will be lanching on the 21st September on x x x
