Monday, 31 August 2009

Gyspy Queen

Once the queen of Boho Moss has now lent herself to the Gypsy look for an upcoming shoot in V magazine. She looks amazing as I really must get my hand on a pair of those boots, love them.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Love. The second time round

After having the very naked Beth Ditto staring at me on my first Love encounter I knew that I was letting myself in for a couple of hundred pages of well known names and faces, second time round however I am faced by an 18 year old bass player from Birmingham called Alex apparently. This issue is all about finding young passionate people with raw talent and the drive to get where they want to be. A very inspiring issue but it left me a bit down beat as no one seems to be over 21 in Love this issue and I will soon be knocking on 22's I already past it?

I love the shoot with Pixie Geldof where she describes her style as "my so-called life, gone retarded". I personally think shes got this season's 90's grunge look down to perfection. Also couldn't resist this cheeky Russian inspired image. They all look as cute as a teeny tiny Russian doll.

All images from issue two of Love magazine

Monday, 24 August 2009

7 days of Re-Creation

Very interesting piece of marketing by P.C.C , Personality conditioning corporation on Hanbury Street . Over 7 days a new piece of innovative marketing was created over night. This Gumball machine piece was one of my favourite, were you could get a small promotional object about the project. There was also a sofa set up with mannequins and a voice recording which was quite strange and a huge black and white checkered board put up in the window...didn't really get that one. Great marketing and advertising idea as it always had swarms of people gathered around it wondering what was going on!

Images my own from Bricklane 22/08/09

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Show me your teeth

Ok I caved, after only a couple days of seeing this amazing necklace in Brick Lane I couldn't stop thinking about it and brought it off the bitching and junk food website. I think its such a quirky piece, however my friend did point out it looks abit like something from the movie "Saw". Anyway I have only been able to wear it once as the boyfriend has insisted on wearing it constantly. So I've been checking out some of Dominic Jones jewellery which I love and wishing he would buy me some as a replacement!

His pieces are tough but o so sexy, the styling of the shoots hit the nail on the head for the sexy grunge look for A/W 09.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Logo Mania

I love big t-shirts with super skinny jeans and would love love love either the YSL or Chanel version but due to having little (or no) money, I have been a little more resourceful in sourcing my T. I got my Vogue T-shirt from a Pop- up Market down bricklane and paid a mere £13 for the beaut! compared to £145 for the YSL I think I may have nabbed a baragin.

YSL and Chanel image from

Tuesday, 18 August 2009


Image Tom Ford A/W 09

Monday, 17 August 2009

Pop up

I've been noticing alot more pop up shops and markets recently and primarily in the Brick Lane and SpitalFields area. A Pop up market this Saturday where I found my lovely necklace, a Fred Perry pop up sale shop and another pop up sale shop full of goodies from designers I had seen whilst on work experience at Mywardrobe.

Harry Lunt - Bitching and Junkfood

On a recent trip down brick lane with the boy, we stumbled across a pop up market, full of vintage furniture and clothes stalls, talented people knocking up clothes on sewing machines and a few delightful jewellery stalls. This skull necklace instantly caught my eye, two very unique clay skulls from Portugal on a delicate chain and a pearl hanging at the clasp, and it even came in its own very cute and very economical match box!

The very talented lady who had made the necklace told me that all the jewellery was available to buy online at bitching and junk food. At home I eagerly checked out the website and found the other necklace I loved from the market (but hadn't had the cash to flash!) a tooth necklace by mafia jewellery. Slightly gruesome but very cool.

The website is contributed to by many fashion forces and there is a fantastic blog and a shop where you can buy vintage 80's and 90's clothes, some of which have been re-worked and customised. But what I loved the most about the website was the 80's styling in the cover shoot. Crop tops, sequins, cut off shorts, cropped leathers, finger-less gloves and a hint of leopard print, its all there and it all looks fabulous, very on trend for A/W 09, ding dong!

All images from apart from the harry lunt skull necklace, my own image.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Fright Night

Would some one please give me many many Topshop vouchers as this season I want it all. Not only have they got a great magazine ad campaign but their online look book is fantastic. These are my favourite outfits from the shoot with my favourite pieces being the studded leather jacket, the looped tasseled cardi and the grey knit jumper...also wouldn't mind the black and white striped jumper from the magazine ad's.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Looking for Love....

......looking for the perfect black leather jacket, must fit over my shoulders lovingly, fall to my waist at just the right place or be cropped to perfection, have sleeves that won't cover my hands that are meant for holding not hiding, a unique edge is preferable, must fit snugly but not too tight,won't make me look boxy like my previous bomber, will not leave me with a gaping whole in my bank balance and must be prepared to be worn to death in all weathers, stand by me through the years and protect me from fashion mishaps x x x

Images from ASOS magazine and ASOS website